How we work…

We translate our approach into ensuring your peak performance through a continuous process from beginning to end.


Scoping – Listening

We learn precisely about the individual, teams and the organization with a clarity and conviction that rapidly helps us find solutions to your problems.  We engage with you to implement a scalable, flexible process that typically follows these steps:

  • Understanding your key business issues
  • Interpreting how these issues translate into a set of goals for teams and individuals
  • Developing a plan for achieving peak performance – and agreeing this with you
  • Establishing benchmark measures of the current situation

Scoping can include an on-line 360° Leadership Appraisal and on-line questionnaires, with selected 1 to 1 interviews and/or focus groups.

We ensure that the programme precisely targets your individual needs and aspirations for the future.  Flexibility to your requirements is paramount and the objectives for the programme can be re-visited and amended as necessary.

Development – A New Conversation

Development – Deploying solutions to deliver the intended improvements in management and leadership effectiveness

  • Reinforcing and measuring progress against the benchmark in order to release sustainable business benefits
  • Proving the results with you

Development could include intensive workshops interspersed with a self-coaching workbook to enable each individual member to explore their individual approach to leading or individual coaching.  Concurrently, work-streams can be initiated to inculcate and establish the behaviours in the reality of the workplace.

Review – Dialogue

Feedback is the breakfast of champions!  To ensure that learning is cemented back in the workplace and the momentum is maintained it is important that a review is completed.  This could include meetings, questionnaires and coaching to ensure that momentum is maintained, that behaviours are being met and what next steps, where necessary, need to be taken.

Results – Peak Performance

Depending on your objectives, these are some of the result you can expect:

  • Alignment of management and leadership behaviours with your vision and values
  • Engagement of your people in a longer term mission to achieve strategic goals
  • Achievement of stretching goals in key business improvement projects
  • Demonstrable improvement in transformational leadership capability
  • Transparent processes for identifying and developing future leaders
  • Development of high-performing teams that our-perform your rivals