Imagine a business where achieving the results you want and need is the natural outcome and every year is better than the last. The Best Year Yet System achieves significant, measurable and relevant results by generating alignment to move everyone in the same direction.

What keeps you awake at night?

  • Getting excuses instead of results?
  • Unsure how to take your business to the next level?
  • Low morale?
  • Facing the threat of outsourcing or closure?
  • Extraordinary product but insufficient sales?

Find out how to get past these performance issues to the result you need.
Who should use it ?

  • The people who lead and shape the business.
  • Top teams seeking a way to encircle challenging issues facing the business:
  • Business teams starting the annual planning process
  • Project teams wanting rapidly to build rapport, a sense of purpose and an understanding of how to share the issues facing them.

What it is
The Best Business Year Yet programme creates new levels of business performance. Best Year Yet is:

  • A full-year program
  • A planning and implementation system
  • For you, your partner, your family or your team
  • Supported by our experienced facilitators
  • Able to deal with complex personal and business issues
  • Monthly Review Sessions
  • Online tracking and accountability software
  • Simple, attractive and highly effective technology
  • Based on proven principles and practices

It has three parts: Make a plan. Track your plan. Become masters of producing results.

1 Make your plan
We begin with a day-and-a-half or two-day event in which you and your team create a strategic Best Year Yet plan. This team building workshop can be done on its own or to enhance the traditional strategic business planning process. A team will follow an engaging and interactive ten-step process to create an inspiring, high level business plan. The team develops a one-page plan that has Guidelines, a New Paradigm, a Major Focus and your Top Ten Priorities for the next 12 months. Our clients say they’ve never experienced a team building workshop like this one.

The Moment of Change
The Transformation Symbol

The team will:

  • Use their own experiences to create powerful guidelines for planned success
  • Deal with those limiting beliefs and behaviours which impede progress
  • Identify the “vital few” – those activities and goals which will deliver success
  • Create a ‘breakthrough process’ where achievement of goals is the natural outcome throughout the business.

At the end of the team building workshop everyone owns the plan and is enthusiastic about making it happen. This process of strategic business planning is dynamic and can be done at virtually any stage of the year or planning process. And before they even begin the year, they’ve already experienced the effects of our team planning workshop.

Once the team plan is in place, team members make their personal strategic plans, focused on balancing their work and personal lives as well as achieving the goals they set in the team planning workshop. We include this part of the system to support businesses in having their staff increase personal effectiveness and their sense of fulfillment — and the sharing of this personal experience greatly enhances the effect of the team planning workshop.

This first part of the program, the team building workshop, is based on the premise that to be successful, individuals need to be clear about goals for their lives outside of work as well as their goals for work. When their personal goals are tied in with the Best Year Yet plan for their team, their personal world makes much more sense and your people become far more effective and they feel good about being a team who would participate in this special team planning workshop

2 Track your plan

Follow-up coaching and our Monthly Review Sessions support the team in reviewing progress and scoring goals set out in their Best Year Yet plans. This part of the Team Program is essential to make sure that the team works on its top priorities rather than getting lost in day-to-day, lower level concerns.

The key to this part of our system is our online tracking and accountability software called PRO for Producing Results Online. This is a full on-line interactive performance review.This secure and password-protected program helps you to monitor your Best Year Yet Plan and Monthly and Weekly Plans along the way. In an attractive and highly functional tracking system your team learns to enjoy being accountable and keeping promises to one another. As the months go by, the scores improve until your team becomes a high-performance team, delivering the results that matter, month after month.

Every step of the way we are working with you to develop your mastery in the art of producing results.

3 Become masters at producing results

Our Producing Results audio program contains a lesson a month for 12 months. Each member of the team listens to this month’s lesson during the month and then discusses its relevance for the team and team members at the Monthly Review Session.

Not only is the team moving toward its best year yet, it’s learning along the way as it establishes an environment of continuous learning.

Your team integrates the lessons in such a way that you and your team learn from addressing the challenges that arise during the year. By doing so you make a lasting difference to the way the team performs.

The 12 Producing Results lessons are a product of 25 years of executive coaching