The Myers Briggs Type Indicator is an excellent framework for helping people understand themselves and others. The MBTI questionnaire provides a highly insightful framework for individual and group development, provoking self-awareness by looking at how a person perceives the world and how they prefer to interact with others. The MBTI tool sorts individuals into psychological ‘types’ so that they can identify how they are different to other people, and how they can improve their working and personal relationships in a positive and constructive way.

MBTI Step I identifies an individual’s psychological ‘type’ (made up of four basic preferences) and provides a common language around how we interact with the world and each other.
Step I does this by identifying an individual’s psychological ‘type’, made up of four basic preferences that are represented by the letters, E-I, S-N, T-F and J-P. Once a person has identified and worked with their Step I four-letter type, they can explore this in greater detail by moving on to the MBTI Step II questionnaire.

MBTI Step II enables exploration of the unique way in which an individual expresses their preferences by providing analyses of the five facets of each Step I dimension. Following on from the insights of Step I, Step II looks at differences not only between but within types by giving information about the five facets of each type preference. Each facet combination acts as a trait scale, and scores can be plotted along this scale, eg Systematic-Casual, Practical-Conceptual.

MBTI is easy to grasp, insightful and thought-provoking, People often experience ‘light bulb moments’ as they gain an understanding of their own and others’ psychological type. The MBTI tool provides a common language for appreciating interpersonal differences.