As part of a detailed analytical process which precedes the development of all of our customised Sales Coaching Workshops we consult with our clients to identify a “Best Practice Model” which constitutes the most effective way of selling your products to your customers.

The vital ingredients are understanding the Right Customerthe Right Frequency and the Right Message. This workshop will help participants increase teamwork, sales focus and capability to build collaborative relationships with customers, sell on value and maximise revenues/profitability. Participants will uncover the precise selling skills, product knowledge and attitudinal attributes required to achieve maximum sales outcomes understand and know how to apply your customer Targeting/Segmentation strategy, resulting in a long-term collaboration with your “best bet” customers.

We will provide your managers and leaders with a custom assembled “Toolkit” of exercises designed to provide effective follow up methods to maintain and develop the positive team and individual achievements resulting from the Sales Coaching Workshop


  • Defining the key attributes of your Sales Professionals
  • Defining the Strategy and Tactical Plans to enable your teams to collaborate more effectively with your customers
  • a variety of diagnostic processes to determine your current team culture and how you wish it to develop
  • Apply the ASK principles: Attitude, Skills, Knowledge which provides a simple to use diagnostic framework
  • A Follow-Up strategy to help drive through the key objectives of the programme into your everyday working culture